“I think this type of informal, yet factual, learning is pivotal in the children’s development and decision making. I am delighted that the children of Aberdeenshire continue to benefit from ALEC sessions.” Parent
“The pace of the lessons are great and the children are fully engaged throughout.” Class teacher
“The educator made the lesson personal by encouraging the children to relate to their own lives and taking time to listen each individual child’s contribution” Class teacher
“Seeing Harold was amazing! It was good to see Harold and his friends sort out their problems together.” P2 pupil
“Tent created a special atmosphere which you don’t get in an open classroom; lighting was a bonus!” – P1 teacher
“Tent was really good; felt the same as the caravan had previously. The children enjoyed it and found the lighting etc. stimulating.” P3/4 teacher
“A great space for the children to learn!” – A parent
“The session made me think about being safer online” P6 pupil
Below are a selection of letters that we have received.